The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.4 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.


In the previous step you called the Dapr HTTP API to store and retrieve a state from a Redis backed state store. Dapr通过初始化时创建的默认组件定义文件得知,要使用你机器上本地配置好的Redis实例。


As an example of how to define custom components for your application, you will now create a component definition file to interact with the secrets building block.


  • 创建本地JSON密钥存储
  • 使用组件定义文件在 Dapr 注册密钥存储
  • 使用 Dapr HTTP API 获取密钥

第 1 步:创建一个 JSON 密钥存储

While Dapr supports many types of secret stores, the easiest way to get started is a local JSON file with your secret (note this secret store is meant for development purposes and is not recommended for production use cases as it is not secured).

首先保存下面的 JSON 内容到一个名为 mysecrets.json 的文件:

   "my-secret" : "I'm Batman"

第 2 步:创建一个密钥存储Dapr 组件

创建一个名为 my-components 的目录来存放新的组件文件:

mkdir my-components

在此目录内创建一个新文件 localSecretStore.yaml ,内容如下:

kind: Component
  name: my-secret-store
  namespace: default
  type: secretstores.local.file
  version: v1
  - name: secretsFile
    value: <PATH TO SECRETS FILE>/mysecrets.json
  - name: nestedSeparator
    value: ":"

您可以看到上述的文件定义有一个 type: secretstores.local.file 字段值,其告诉Dapr使用本地文件组件作为密钥存储。 The metadata fields provide component specific information needed to work with this component (in this case, the path to the secret store JSON is relative to where you call dapr run from.)

第 3 步:运行Dapr sidecar

运行以下命令以启动 Dapr sidecar,它将在端口 3500 上监听名为 myapp 的空白应用程序:

dapr run --app-id myapp --dapr-http-port 3500 --components-path ./my-components

If you encounter a error message stating the app ID is already in use, it may be that the sidecar you ran in the previous step is still running. Make sure you stop the sidecar before running the above command (e.g. using “Control-C”).

第 4 步:获取一个密钥


curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/secrets/my-secret-store/my-secret

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://localhost:3500/v1.0/secrets/my-secret-store/my-secret'


{"my-secret":"I'm Batman"}
下一步: 探索 Dapr 快速启动 >>